Music for Deep Transformation

sacred sounds from Avalon


Jerome Zoran brings you:

Music for Meditation, Ceremony, Ritual & Temple spaces, Yoga, Movement and Dance

“Jerome is a magical musician who has the ability to bring enchanting atmospheres into being through his musical creations. For many years Jerome has created wonderful Soundscapes for ceremonies within the Glastonbury Goddess Conference and Temple. These soundscapes are evocative, enhancing Ceremonies and Inner and Outer Journeys as we enter different kinds of landscape, such as the Paradise Isle of Avalon, walking into Her caves and landscapes, and celebrating the Great Mother.

Jerome is a special kind of musician who is able to listen to create what is needed to help expand consciousness and travel between the worlds. I am grateful to Jerome for all that he has created for us.”

Kathy Jones
Founder, Glastonbury Goddess Conference
Founder, Glastonbury Goddess Temple

“I found Jerome’s score wonderfully helpful, and deeply effective. It was if – much of the time – the score occupied the hinterland between sound and silence, between pure tone and pulsation. And actually I’d also like to celebrate the existence of a ‘spiritual music’ which is nothing like the pan-pipey clichés you normally hear”.

-Charles Hazelwood, international conductor

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